A series of video interviews with the influential rapper
Sadat X, one of the founding members of legendary hip-hop group Brand Nubian, has put out 12 albums over the last 3 decades — and it was clear to us after his appearance at CD Baby’s official SXSW showcase earlier this year that he’s still one of the most unique and relevant rappers out there today.
He’s worked with hip-hop heavyweights like Jay Z, Notorious B.I.G., Nas, and Common. Sadat X has even collaborated with pop-folk troubadour Jack Johnson. And while a partnership with the DIY Musician Blog might not be as high-profile as rapping alongside Hova, we thought we’d ask Sadat X if he’d be down to offer some of his wisdom in a series of video posts for CD Baby artists.
Every other week or so we’ll be posting a video episode (each about 3 minutes in length) with Sadat X talking about different aspects of a successful music career: social media, building your brand, booking shows and touring, etc. In the comments section of each post, we’d love for you to ask questions and Sadat X can answer his favorites in the followup video.
To kick things off, I asked Sadat X a handful of questions of my own:
* How important is a cosign from a more prominent rapper?
* Should younger artists even bother trying to get signed to a label?
* What’s changed in terms of album promotion over the past 15 years?
Here’s what he had to say:
Got questions for Sadat X, either about his career or advice on how you can move your own music career along? His next video interview will be on the topic of TOURING — so ask away in the comments below.
And check out Sadat X on Facebook , Twitter, and CD Baby.
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