Also, it is very difficult to switch a Page back to a personal profile, so be absolutely sure you want to make the change before committing to it. Again, read some of the comments in the section below to hear artists talking about the pros and cons once they’ve switched.
If you’ve been using your Facebook personal profile to promote your music and engage with your fans, you may be wondering how you can switch your profile to a dedicated artist page without losing all your friends. This is a common problem, and now there’s a solution. With Facebook’s new “Profile To Business Page Migration” tool, you can turn your personal user profile into a “Business Page” (their fancy term for an official artist/band page), and all your friends will instantly be converted into “Likes.”
For many artists – especially solo artists and those that started aggressively promoting on Facebook before Pages existed – the dilemma of whether or not to move their Facebook fan engagement efforts from their personal profile (intended for individuals) to a branded Page (intended for business, musicians, bands, companies, and so on) should now be a thing of the past.
If this doesn’t strike you as particularly notable, remember this: A personal profile page will cap out at 5,000 friends, meaning you won’t be able to “friend” any more fans once you hit that mark. With Pages, you don’t have to worry about limits. Plus, now that Facebook allows you log in and post anywhere under your artist name, your opportunities for promotion and connection are bigger than they’ve ever been.
For all the details on how to switch your page, check out the Facebook Help Center article on converting profiles to Pages. We highly suggest you read through the details carefully to avoid any Facebook switching remorse.
Did you switch your Facebook Personal Profile to a Facebook Page? Let us know how it went in the comments below.
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