Opinions are like… [you know the rest of the simile].

Everyone’s got one and they all stink!

So with millions of people on Twitter offering their crappy opinions every day, where do you turn to find the least stinky advice?

Fret not! To help you parse the good from the bad, we’ve compiled a list of our favorite music promotion personalities and marketing strategists in the Twitter-sphere.

10 Top Music Marketing & Promotion Resources (in alphabetical order)

1. Ariel Publicity

Website: http://arielpublicity.com/

Twitter handle: @cyberpr

About: Cyber PR is a digital public relations and social media strategy firm run by Ariel Hyatt, connecting musicians with new media & fans. Ariel is also the author of “Music Success in Nine Weeks.”

2. Bob Baker

Website: http://www.bob-baker.com/buzz/index.html

Twitter handle: @mrbuzzfactor

About: Bob Baker is an author & musician offering music marketing tips and self-promotion ideas for indie artists via his website The Buzz Factor.

3. Michael Brandvold

Website: http://www.michaelbrandvold.com/

Twitter handle: @michaelsb

About: Michael Brandvold is a music marketing consultant, speaker, and author that helps artists “find and keep fans.”

4. The DIY Musician

Website: https://diymusician.cdbaby.com/

Twitter handle: @cdbaby 

About: Blog of CD Baby, the world’s largest distributer of independent music, chock full of expert industry advice, news, & promo tips.

5. Indie-Music.com

Website: http://www.indie-music.com

Twitter handle: @Indie_Musiccom

About: The latest on “how to make and market your music, what tools make you shine, and who has a buzz going on.”

6. Music Think Tank

Website: http://www.musicthinktank.com/

Twitter handle: @musicthinktank

About: Managed by the good folks at Hypebot, MTT features well-considered articles on industry trends and music promotion strategies.

7. Passive Promotion

Website: http://passivepromotion.com/

Twitter handle: @colortheory

About: Music promotion tips from mastering engineer and recording artist Brian Hazard.

8. Promote Your Music

Twitter handle: @MusicMarketingX

Website: http://www.promoteyourmusic.net/blog

About: Chris Rocket’s site is dedicated to teaching indie musicians cutting edge marketing tactics. The site comes across as a bit sales-y at times, but the cheat sheets are pretty cool.

9. Thorny Bleeder

Website: http://www.thornybleeder.com/

Twitter handle: @thornybleeder

About: Music news, industry commentary, marketing tips, and music career advice from Brian Thompson and company.

10. Tight Mix

Website: http://tightmixblog.com/

Twitter handle: @cbracco

About: Marketing tips and promotion strategies from digital marketer/web designer Chris Bracco.

Who do you turn to for great music promotion advice on Twitter? Let us know in the comments section below.

-Chris R. and Molly K. at CD Baby


The Top 100 Must-Follow Music Resources on Twitter, Pt. 1: The Tech Wizards

The Top 100 Must-Follow Music Resources on Twitter, Pt. 2: Music Law

The Top 100 Must-Follow Music Resources on Twitter, Pt. 3: Music Blogs

The Top 100 Must-Follow Music Resources on Twitter, Pt. 4: Music Organizations

The Top 100 Must-Follow Music Resources on Twitter, Pt. 5: Music News

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