How Eleanor Dubinsky spans genres, crosses borders, and communicates it all through video(s).
Eleanor Dubinsky didn’t start creating her new album Soft Spot of My Heart with a particular genre in mind. Why would she? Her recordings thus far have deftly defied easy categorization, due not only to the deeply varied international influences she draws upon, but also her ability to seamlessly compose and perform lyrics in English, French, and Spanish.
In fact, whatever rough sketches Dubinsky envisioned when this years-long journey began were quickly rendered obsolete: it was the musicians she met along the way that truly gave her new record its life, love, and ultimate direction.
You can see and feel those connections being forged in this short video she released late last year, which not only offers a preview of the upcoming album, but also shows the creative process and the intimate bonds formed by musical collaboration, even across languages.
“I’ve had a lot of life experience with a lot of people from a lot of places…after a certain point the borders fall away and the people are what emerges,” she says in the video, once again acknowledging the inimitable power of meeting and working with new musicians, all of whom lend their own talent and influence to a project that stands alone, its individual elements combining to form music that is, once again, beautifully hard to categorize. It speaks for itself, in many languages.
Telling her story through video
Eleanor’s use of video to document her recording process adds depth to her album, offering intimate views of:
All of these videos offer an unfiltered look at how these talented musicians work so well together.
These videos — as well as the two videos embedded above — are also effective promotional tools, great for keeping fans engaged during the recording process while they wait for new music.
If you look at Eleanor’s YouTube page, you can see she’s been consistent the last year-plus in updating it with interesting, well-made content, all building to the release of her album.
The importance of frequent video content
Regular video posting is something that – thanks to the phones in our pockets – is within the reach of most DIY musicians today, and allows for maximum benefits with minimal time and effort.
We’ve talked in the past about how crucial it is to maintain a video release schedule, and how not every video needs to be a fully-produced music video.
As you’re considering your video output and scheduling, make sure to check out Eleanor’s videos for inspiration!
Ever collaborated with musicians outside your normal circle and discovered a brand-new way of approaching your songs? Have you used video clips like Eleanor’s to promote, engage, or build hype? Let us know in the comments!