Here’s something you should NEVER do on Twitter…

I’m an avid reader of the site, which is a great resource for both DIY hip-hop artists and fans looking to check out the newest in underground rap music.

Last week, they posted an article about one of their pet peeves, and it hit home for me.

It’s something I see artists doing all the time, and while I can appreciate the ambition behind this idea, artists should know how it looks to the people they’re trying to charm.

Indie Hip Hop’s image (literally) illustrates what I’m talking about here: 

How NOT to Promote Yourself on Twitter

Now, of course, reaching out to blogs and other outlets in an effort to promote your music is a great idea. But that isn’t what this is. This is just copying, pasting, tweeting, and hoping something sticks. And if the person you’re aiming this at takes the time to check out your profile (which they will, if they’re considering featuring your music), they’re going to quickly see what you’re doing, label you a Twitter spammer (A Twammer? A Spitter?), and never give you the time of day.

Here are some other reasons why this method of Twitter promotion is dicey:

  1. Twitter is public, and everyone can see what you’re doing. Spammy messages like this in email form are also bad, but at least the recipient can’t see a trail of the other identical messages you sent to other outlets.
  2. Your message of “Really love your blog” (or whatever) will instantly be rendered disingenuous when the person you’re tweeting at sees that you said that to a ton of other blogs. It will also make it clear that you’re lying, because you can’t possibly be a fan of that many blogs.
  3. In this particular case, Indie Hip Hop has set rules for the way in which artists can submit music to their blog, and this is NOT their preferred method. The guidelines for submissions are clearly posted on their blog (as they are with most reputable sites), and if you’re not following those you’re not going to get considered anyway.

Like I said, I respect the DIY, self-promo idea behind this, but the execution is lazy, short-sighted and isn’t bound to accomplish anything but annoying an outlet that might be able to offer you a real promo opportunity if you take the time to connect with them in a more professional, personal way.

What do you think? Are there certain situations where this might be a useful approach or is this is always a bad idea? Let us know in the comments section below, and be sure to download our free guide about the best ways to promote your music on Twitter: