We triple-checked the numbers and it’s official: our artists have collectively sold MORE CDs so far this year than they had at this same time in 2011—thousands more!

We’ve always believed you should pursue both physical AND digital distribution, and we continue to work hard to ensure that both avenues provide viable revenue streams for your music. We recently expanded our distribution network to include Alliance Entertainment, the largest wholesale CD distributor in the world, and we continue to work with Amazon.com, Super D, and other distributors and resellers, adding new ones every week.

Feeling like you’re not part of this upswing? Here are a few easy steps you can take to nab more CD sales:

Selling more physical albums through CD Baby: the basics 

1. Send us your CDs. 

Obviously, opting in for physical sales and sending us your CDs is the first step. If you need some CDs, we have tons of affordable, flexible options at our disc manufacturing site.

2. Opt in to our physical distribution program.

This is a great way to extend your sales reach beyond CDBaby.com and really take things worldwide. If you’re not part of our physical distribution network (including Amazon, Alliance, Super D, and more), opt in now.

3. Keep your album in stock and priced right. 

Fans love a good price, but they can only buy your CD if it’s available. Offering a 20% physical distribution discount and keeping track of your stock levels are two great ways to maximize your sales. Want to set or change your percentage discount? Log in here.


People say it’s a digital world, but it’s your physical albums, too, that now have a greater reach than ever before, and that can lead to more sales. Fans have countless options when it comes to buying your music, so make sure you give them what they want, and make sure it’s everywhere!
Sincerely yours,

Brian Felsen
Brian Felsen
Brian Felsen
CD Baby President