We’re donating proceeds from digital sales on our music store to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts. Tell your fans!
Between Monday, September 11th (12:00am PST), and Friday, September 15th (11:59pm PST), CD Baby will donate the net proceeds from all digital sales on our CD Baby music store (store.cdbaby.com) to help victims of Hurricane Harvey, the recent storm that has devastated parts of Texas and Louisiana. The money collected will be given to the Red Cross who are actively working on the ground with Harvey victims.
For artists that already sell their music on CD Baby, it’s important to note: we are only donating OUR cut of digital sales, NOT the artist’s cut (which will be paid to the artist or label like normal). That being said, we’d encourage artists to join us in the relief effort if they’d like to contribute their proceeds too once they’ve received payment from CD Baby.
If you don’t have music available for sale yet, you can get an album or single up very quickly on CD Baby’s music store — and for FREE! With CD Baby Free, there’s no upfront charge to start selling music on our music store. We just take a 9% cut of each sale, and for the week of September 11-15, we’ll be passing that money right along to relief efforts.
If you’re an artist, be sure to tell your audience that now is a great time to purchase your music from CD Baby because:
- It helps a great cause
- They’ll be able to download high-quality MP3s
- You get to set the price, unlike with other download stores
- And you make more money per sale than through any other retailer
Then be sure to link them to your music on CD Baby!
Next week, CD Baby, musicians, and music buyers will join together and do a little bit of good in these troubled times. Please help if you can.