How to sell your music in Brazil on SpotifyYou now have the opportunity to reach 200 million more people with your music

Brazil is the world’s 7th-largest economy and the 8th-largest music market (with more than US$250 million in annual sales).

And it’s not just Portuguese-language music that sells big in Brazil. Ever seen Rush in Rio? Many English-language acts have been able to establish a huge fanbase in Brazil.

As a CD Baby artist, if your music is already on Spotify, it’s also available in Brazil (as of last week).

With the launch of Spotify in Brazil, there are tens of millions of fans that are going to be trying out the new service, and you have the chance to get your music heard. If your music isn’t available on Spotify, now’s the perfect time to get in on the rush. Lucky for you, delivery of your music to Spotify is included with your CD Baby distribution.

Be sure to read our article “How to make the most of your music on Spotify.”

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[Map of Brazil from Shutterstock.]